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Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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I just finished another book so ill try and get 
a review in before the week ends. 
It. was. AMAZING! Anyways Happy Thanksgiving and 
good luck for those of you (and me) 
who are going Black FRIDAY shopping!! ;P
God Bless -Courtney :) 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas is around the corner!

Ok so as you can see i redecorated the blog a little.. With the holidays coming up i know i won't be able to do it during December so i went ahead and did it a few weeks early.  :)

Now I'm not quite in the Christmas mood quit yet but i bet after my birthday (Dec. 5th) I'll get more into it ;D And i also added a Christmas radio station to the blog. After the short advertisement at the beginning click the bar and if you want like "Jingle Bell" Christmas music go to the "North Pole Radio" But my favorite is probably the jazz button. I LOVE Jaz Christmas music!! Just play around with it till you find your favorite! And I also added a Christmas countdown gadget.

Along with the Christmas updates i added 2 more pages and finally got my review page up ;)
Ok well thats all for now I guess I have a Thanksgiving meal tonight at my church and gotta take a shower, blow dry my hair, and get dressed. :D

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nominated for the Liebster Award!!

 Ok guys GUESS WHAT!!  I'm so excited to tell you guys Myralovingbooks from I'mLovingBooks nominated me for a Liebster Award!!! 

The Liebster Award is an Award for new bloggers to connect with other bloggers in the community.

Rules for Accepting the Reward 
If you've been nominated , this is what you need to do:

 - Link back to the blog that nominated you.
- Answer the questions they set for the blogs they nominated.
- Nominate 10 blogs of your own, and be sure to let them know, with a link to your post!

- Ask 10 questions for the blogs you nominate to answer in their post.

Myralovingbooks Questions for me

When did you start blogging & why?
 This is gonna be a hard question... You know i really have no idea. If i HAD to say something (which i do) I would say it was because of Goodreads. There was a thread on of the groups I'm a member of that said "Do you write a blog" And it gave me the idea to ask my members of my books club to put down a link to their blog website. I eventually got interested in it and ask how to start one and then i was directed to Blogger :) And the rest is history!!
What's your favorite book ever?

Well for those of you who really know my back story, you know why I'm not aloud to read, and that i have only been readying since February of this year. And since then i have only read about 50 books (rounded up) SO with a small range i would say as of right now my favorite book and series is Poison Princess (The Arcana Chronicles #1) by Kresley Cole
Do you study or work & what kind of study/work do you do?

I am homeschooled and in 11th grade and i work at Dixie Diner as a waitress 
How may books do you estimate you own?

Not including the SCHOOL books i own 5 and i hide all of them from my parents so i won't get in trouble
What's your favorite place to read?

My bed at night after everyone in the house has gone to sleep
What book are you reading right now?

Rereading Catching Fire to get ready for the movie (seeing it in 2 days!!!)
Across the Universe and
Reading for the first time Percy Jackson and the lightening thief
Do you prefer series or stand alone books?

Series most definitely!! 
Favorite hobby besides reading?

Playing Piano and Guitar 
Favorite book to movie adaptation?

Well there's only been a few but TONES come out next year! So as of RIGHT NOW! November 19th 2013 It would be THG!

And now my Nominees!

Our Thoughts Our Stars
Had to nominate these girls mainly because I was their first member!!
So Many Books, So Little Time 
The YA Sisterhood
Adventures Of A Teenage Bookworm
And I would have nominated I'm loving books but they nominated me and are already nominees! ;P

-Why did you start a blog?
-What was the book or series that got you into reading?
-What was the first book you ever bought?
-Favorite Book or Series?
-Are you on Goodreads? If so leave a link to your profile!!
 Here's Mine!! ------> My Goodreads Profile! Friend Me!!
-Hardback or Paperback?
-Favorite spot to read?
-Do you like to go to BAM? (Books A Million)
-And Finally what is an upcoming book into movie that you can't wait to go see?

 Check out all the blogs I've named in this post, the're all amazing :D
Thanks again to Myralovingbooks (Im Loving Books), for nominating me!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Catching Fire!!!! (8 DAYS TO GO)

Im SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!! I'm going to watch it on the 21st at 5:20!! My theater is showing a double feature and im getting alot of my friends to come too!! So with 1 week to go till i get to watch it i've been rereading the book and im about half way through it and its still amazing as it was the first time i read it!! OK but i found it this picture on the internet and look at   his face! He's like freaking out!!

But seriously. Have you SEEN THIS GIRLS DRESS!! It's like the wedding dress every girl would want!! Its GORGEOUS!!! LOOK! !! >:D
       When i saw her dress for the first time this was my face..

And this...


Ok so to all my followers let me know when you plan on watching it and a few details like if your rereading the book or bringing some friends with you. You know whatever you want :D But i never talk to y'all so COMMENT!!

Oh and here are some more pictures :)


Found this on Tumblr :) 





So yea im really excited! 

 Sam Claflin as Finnick Odair?



ok a few more and im done :D






Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Well I'm sorry i haven't been on in a long time I get so busy when the Holidays roll around and my birthday is coming up! Speaking of Hoildays! IT'S GETTING SO COLD IN TEXAS!!! Well cold for me "great weather" for everyone else.. I WAS NOT made for the cold! My mom sent me this picture a few days ago and it explains me in every way!

HAHA!! When i was smaller i wore my flip flops throughout the whole year all the way through winter! But that was before i started wearing converse ;P

But seriously im sorry i haven't posted ill try to get some more up it's like if im not doing school now im at work or church and at the end of every day for a few hours i get to read! I liek NEVER watch tv anymore! But i guess that's ok and with me walking to work 3-4 times a week and staying on my feet at work i've been losing weight! :D Thumbs up for me!!  

Can't wait for Catching Fire!! But im not gonna put alot about that in this. I plan on doing a WHOLE separate thing for that! Because im SUPER EXCITED!! But im rereading the book to get read for it! Ok...well...bye..... >:D

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Assassin's Curse Book Review

The Assassin's Curse Book Review
by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Goodread's Review

Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. But that only prompts the scorned clan to send an assassin after her. When Ananna faces him down one night, armed with magic she doesn't really know how to use, she accidentally activates a curse binding them together.

To break the spell, Ananna and the assassin must complete three impossible tasks--all while grappling with evil wizards, floating islands, haughty manticores, runaway nobility, strange magic...and the growing romantic tension between them.

My Thoughts

The back cover copy for this one is pretty accurate . . . Except those three impossible tasks? The main characters don’t even find out what those ARE till right at the end. Yep, pretty much a cliffhanger ending. I mean, no one is stuck in a tower being tortured when the book ends. No. I’m just saying, you may want to wait till the next book comes out (in June 2013) before you read this one.

So, THE ASSASSIN’S CURSE. I always like assassins, as long as they’re not embedded in a Book Of Unrelieved Grimness. Instead of Unrelieved Grimness, this one promised pirates and magic curses and all kinds of not-very-serious fun stuff. And it delivers! I zippd right through it; it was perfect for my mood.

This is a light, fun book, nicely written, with a slowly-developing romance between two great characters. I thought Ananna was a bit of an idiot for taking off like that in the first place, but then on second thought I don’t know. Her impulse to run certainly started the book off fast, and when we actually get to see the dreaded Isles of the Sky, well, actually, maybe I’d ditch my whole life and run, too, if some young twit I didn’t even know wanted to marry me and drag me off to adventure in ‘em.

Actually, the Isles of the Sky? The one we actually see in the book? That is a great creepy island. I’m tempted to tell you all about it — the trees! The other trees! The enchanted water! Well, I’ll restrain myself.

In fact, I like every part of the various settings — I like the camels! I like Lisirra, the city that smells like cardamom and rosewater (at least the garden district). I like the desert, but we also get a very nice feel for shipboard life. Clarke is deft at building her world by sliding in details as she goes, no need for lengthy exposition here.

"I like how fast paced it was but i wish the author would have gone in depth with a few scenes instead on narrating what happened :( Like the scene of her first night on the ship where she started dancing to the music and everyone joined in. That would have been an amazing scene!!! But she just told what happened :( And a few others like it.

I  also like Ananna’s voice: “I ain’t never been one to trust beautiful people.” The assassin, Naji, is a much more educated person. Anybody can see their romance coming a mile away, except, of course, them.

So, yeah, I really enjoyed this one. I started and finished it the same day!! It was nice to read a book that was just fun. I’ll definitely be picking up the sequel.  (The Pirate's Wish)