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Monday, December 9, 2013

Hush Hush Book Review

Hush Hush Book Review

Goodread's Review


Romance was not part of Nora Grey's plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how hard her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch comes along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Patch draws Nora to him against her better judgment.

But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is and seems to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.

For she is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life.

My Thoughts 
This book blew my freaking mind away.
What an incredible read! HUSH HUSH was all I was hoping it would be and so much more!I haven't enjoyed myself this much since The Mortal Instrument and Twilight days!!!It's by far my favorite book of the year! My bows to Becca Fitzpatrick for creating such an amazing story!!I'll admit, this was my first book that I've read that dealt with Angels or Falling Angels in this case. The concept was intriguing and inviting! and PATCH- O M G!! What a sinfully delicious character! His arrogance really worked his charm and you just can't help fall for the dreamy, sexy bad Angel!
Not quite my replacement for my Tobias Eaton or Daemon Black ....but he's a mighty close second!

I thought Nora was a great character. She had a lot of doubts though out the whole novel and I mean the whole novel...right up to the last couple of chapters. Yes, she had her reasons. The poor girl had it coming from all directions. Trust was certainly an issue. But I'm glad she was a constant through out the novel. She was vulnerable, but strong in the end.
Nicely done!

I think I was more annoyed with Vee more then anything. Sure, it could have been because she was...persuaded to be the way she was. But seriously? If I had a best friend who would constantly put me in situations like Vee did? I wouldn't be able to take it.

HUSH HUSH gave enough twist to keep you guessing. Enough mystery to bang your head against a wall. Enough stolen kisses and LOL moments to just fall in love with the book as you read each page!

I have already read book 2 and 3 and book 4 is at my library but i can't check it out or put it on hold yet because it's under maintenance/construction. But the second i can get it Im going to the library!!! Finale here i come!!

Hands down 5 STARS!!!

The Lightning Thief Book Review

Percy Jackson and the Olympians in 
The Lightning Thief Book Review

 Goodread's Review

 Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school... again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of them. Zeus' master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.

Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus' stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the true thief: he must come to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns him of betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves.

 My Thoughts
     Ok so I FINALLY started on these series!! NO more putting it off! and i gotta say i enjoyed this book more than i thought i would. And i can't believe how much different the movie it from the book. So my next point is obvious.. I watched the movie before i read the book. And while reading the book i could tell several aspects of this book can be found, to a certain extent, in other stories. Percy learns that a world he thought was only from ancient mythological tales is indeed very much real and present, and that he is part of those "mythologies" now. He's got to learn about a new world and his place in it. He must face the fact that he's got to help save the world. And he gains a few friends to help him along the way.
That said, a good deal of the concepts are pretty standard for many tales, and are pretty necessary for this type of book. So, while at times I felt a little like I'd read these things before, I don't really think that should (or did) take too much away from the story.
The uniqueness of the story is helped greatly by the fact that it isn't a fantasy story like I typically consider fantasy - instead it focuses on mythology, dealing with titans and gods and heros.
I think the author did a pretty good job of making the characters 3-dimensional, and the plot multi-faceted. I did think that certain traits and decisions could have stood a little more exploration or explanation, but overall I felt things fit together well.
The only thing that really bothered me was the lightness that certain deaths were taken with. While the gravity of killing someone (no matter how bad) is touched upon, I didn't feel that it was explored quite enough.
All in all it's a pretty fun read, and I'm sure even more fun if you have a better understanding of gods and titans, etc., than I do - though now I must admit I'm curious to do some research! 

I started on The sea of Monsters yesterday and it's already promising!!  I can't belive i haven't read this series yet!! And i can't wait to meet Nico!! <3 


Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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I just finished another book so ill try and get 
a review in before the week ends. 
It. was. AMAZING! Anyways Happy Thanksgiving and 
good luck for those of you (and me) 
who are going Black FRIDAY shopping!! ;P
God Bless -Courtney :) 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas is around the corner!

Ok so as you can see i redecorated the blog a little.. With the holidays coming up i know i won't be able to do it during December so i went ahead and did it a few weeks early.  :)

Now I'm not quite in the Christmas mood quit yet but i bet after my birthday (Dec. 5th) I'll get more into it ;D And i also added a Christmas radio station to the blog. After the short advertisement at the beginning click the bar and if you want like "Jingle Bell" Christmas music go to the "North Pole Radio" But my favorite is probably the jazz button. I LOVE Jaz Christmas music!! Just play around with it till you find your favorite! And I also added a Christmas countdown gadget.

Along with the Christmas updates i added 2 more pages and finally got my review page up ;)
Ok well thats all for now I guess I have a Thanksgiving meal tonight at my church and gotta take a shower, blow dry my hair, and get dressed. :D

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nominated for the Liebster Award!!

 Ok guys GUESS WHAT!!  I'm so excited to tell you guys Myralovingbooks from I'mLovingBooks nominated me for a Liebster Award!!! 

The Liebster Award is an Award for new bloggers to connect with other bloggers in the community.

Rules for Accepting the Reward 
If you've been nominated , this is what you need to do:

 - Link back to the blog that nominated you.
- Answer the questions they set for the blogs they nominated.
- Nominate 10 blogs of your own, and be sure to let them know, with a link to your post!

- Ask 10 questions for the blogs you nominate to answer in their post.

Myralovingbooks Questions for me

When did you start blogging & why?
 This is gonna be a hard question... You know i really have no idea. If i HAD to say something (which i do) I would say it was because of Goodreads. There was a thread on of the groups I'm a member of that said "Do you write a blog" And it gave me the idea to ask my members of my books club to put down a link to their blog website. I eventually got interested in it and ask how to start one and then i was directed to Blogger :) And the rest is history!!
What's your favorite book ever?

Well for those of you who really know my back story, you know why I'm not aloud to read, and that i have only been readying since February of this year. And since then i have only read about 50 books (rounded up) SO with a small range i would say as of right now my favorite book and series is Poison Princess (The Arcana Chronicles #1) by Kresley Cole
Do you study or work & what kind of study/work do you do?

I am homeschooled and in 11th grade and i work at Dixie Diner as a waitress 
How may books do you estimate you own?

Not including the SCHOOL books i own 5 and i hide all of them from my parents so i won't get in trouble
What's your favorite place to read?

My bed at night after everyone in the house has gone to sleep
What book are you reading right now?

Rereading Catching Fire to get ready for the movie (seeing it in 2 days!!!)
Across the Universe and
Reading for the first time Percy Jackson and the lightening thief
Do you prefer series or stand alone books?

Series most definitely!! 
Favorite hobby besides reading?

Playing Piano and Guitar 
Favorite book to movie adaptation?

Well there's only been a few but TONES come out next year! So as of RIGHT NOW! November 19th 2013 It would be THG!

And now my Nominees!

Our Thoughts Our Stars
Had to nominate these girls mainly because I was their first member!!
So Many Books, So Little Time 
The YA Sisterhood
Adventures Of A Teenage Bookworm
And I would have nominated I'm loving books but they nominated me and are already nominees! ;P

-Why did you start a blog?
-What was the book or series that got you into reading?
-What was the first book you ever bought?
-Favorite Book or Series?
-Are you on Goodreads? If so leave a link to your profile!!
 Here's Mine!! ------> My Goodreads Profile! Friend Me!!
-Hardback or Paperback?
-Favorite spot to read?
-Do you like to go to BAM? (Books A Million)
-And Finally what is an upcoming book into movie that you can't wait to go see?

 Check out all the blogs I've named in this post, the're all amazing :D
Thanks again to Myralovingbooks (Im Loving Books), for nominating me!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Catching Fire!!!! (8 DAYS TO GO)

Im SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!! I'm going to watch it on the 21st at 5:20!! My theater is showing a double feature and im getting alot of my friends to come too!! So with 1 week to go till i get to watch it i've been rereading the book and im about half way through it and its still amazing as it was the first time i read it!! OK but i found it this picture on the internet and look at   his face! He's like freaking out!!

But seriously. Have you SEEN THIS GIRLS DRESS!! It's like the wedding dress every girl would want!! Its GORGEOUS!!! LOOK! !! >:D
       When i saw her dress for the first time this was my face..

And this...


Ok so to all my followers let me know when you plan on watching it and a few details like if your rereading the book or bringing some friends with you. You know whatever you want :D But i never talk to y'all so COMMENT!!

Oh and here are some more pictures :)


Found this on Tumblr :) 





So yea im really excited! 

 Sam Claflin as Finnick Odair?



ok a few more and im done :D






Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Well I'm sorry i haven't been on in a long time I get so busy when the Holidays roll around and my birthday is coming up! Speaking of Hoildays! IT'S GETTING SO COLD IN TEXAS!!! Well cold for me "great weather" for everyone else.. I WAS NOT made for the cold! My mom sent me this picture a few days ago and it explains me in every way!

HAHA!! When i was smaller i wore my flip flops throughout the whole year all the way through winter! But that was before i started wearing converse ;P

But seriously im sorry i haven't posted ill try to get some more up it's like if im not doing school now im at work or church and at the end of every day for a few hours i get to read! I liek NEVER watch tv anymore! But i guess that's ok and with me walking to work 3-4 times a week and staying on my feet at work i've been losing weight! :D Thumbs up for me!!  

Can't wait for Catching Fire!! But im not gonna put alot about that in this. I plan on doing a WHOLE separate thing for that! Because im SUPER EXCITED!! But im rereading the book to get read for it! Ok...well...bye..... >:D

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Assassin's Curse Book Review

The Assassin's Curse Book Review
by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Goodread's Review

Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. But that only prompts the scorned clan to send an assassin after her. When Ananna faces him down one night, armed with magic she doesn't really know how to use, she accidentally activates a curse binding them together.

To break the spell, Ananna and the assassin must complete three impossible tasks--all while grappling with evil wizards, floating islands, haughty manticores, runaway nobility, strange magic...and the growing romantic tension between them.

My Thoughts

The back cover copy for this one is pretty accurate . . . Except those three impossible tasks? The main characters don’t even find out what those ARE till right at the end. Yep, pretty much a cliffhanger ending. I mean, no one is stuck in a tower being tortured when the book ends. No. I’m just saying, you may want to wait till the next book comes out (in June 2013) before you read this one.

So, THE ASSASSIN’S CURSE. I always like assassins, as long as they’re not embedded in a Book Of Unrelieved Grimness. Instead of Unrelieved Grimness, this one promised pirates and magic curses and all kinds of not-very-serious fun stuff. And it delivers! I zippd right through it; it was perfect for my mood.

This is a light, fun book, nicely written, with a slowly-developing romance between two great characters. I thought Ananna was a bit of an idiot for taking off like that in the first place, but then on second thought I don’t know. Her impulse to run certainly started the book off fast, and when we actually get to see the dreaded Isles of the Sky, well, actually, maybe I’d ditch my whole life and run, too, if some young twit I didn’t even know wanted to marry me and drag me off to adventure in ‘em.

Actually, the Isles of the Sky? The one we actually see in the book? That is a great creepy island. I’m tempted to tell you all about it — the trees! The other trees! The enchanted water! Well, I’ll restrain myself.

In fact, I like every part of the various settings — I like the camels! I like Lisirra, the city that smells like cardamom and rosewater (at least the garden district). I like the desert, but we also get a very nice feel for shipboard life. Clarke is deft at building her world by sliding in details as she goes, no need for lengthy exposition here.

"I like how fast paced it was but i wish the author would have gone in depth with a few scenes instead on narrating what happened :( Like the scene of her first night on the ship where she started dancing to the music and everyone joined in. That would have been an amazing scene!!! But she just told what happened :( And a few others like it.

I  also like Ananna’s voice: “I ain’t never been one to trust beautiful people.” The assassin, Naji, is a much more educated person. Anybody can see their romance coming a mile away, except, of course, them.

So, yeah, I really enjoyed this one. I started and finished it the same day!! It was nice to read a book that was just fun. I’ll definitely be picking up the sequel.  (The Pirate's Wish)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beautiful Disaster Book Review

Beautiful Disaster Book Review
By: Jamie McGuire

Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants—and needs—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.

My Thoughts 

ooooo *sigh* what can I say about this book except that its reeeeally good, HIGHLY addictive and utterly captivating. You literally feel compelled to keep turning the pages. You just can't stop. No joke!

Abby and Travis meet in college. He's a tough, charming, insanely hot, tattooed badboy who also is a womanizing A student who fights in a ring at night and once he meets Abby, he's just captivated by her. Abby is a good girl, no drinking, no swearing, pretty much just his complete opposite. Despite their differences, they are somehow drawn to each other other.

“I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.”

He makes a deal with her where if he can remain abstinent for a month, she has to live with him for a month. They become friends before they become lovers but its clear that they are meant to be together. Travis thinks to highly of Abby to initially be with her. He doesn't feel worthy of her. And in the book, we get to watch that change as it becomes more and more impossible for them to not be together.

Its weird, there were a lot of things in this story that normally bother me a little, but for whatever reason, I just loved it here. I couldn't get enough of this book!

Now WARNING!! This book was the first book i ever read that had a significant amount of cursing! I was THIS close to putting it down!! But the book was so good i didn't and at times i felt bad for not dropping it but in the end i was worth all the suffering.

I fell in love with how fiercely protective Travis was of Abby. He may have gone overboard a few times but it made me totally swoon! This is a book after all, and in books we accept things that may not work in real life but that, in a story context, just make your heart race!

“You can’t tell me what to do anymore, Travis! I don’t belong to you!”
In the second it took him to turn and face me, his expression had contorted into anger. He stomped toward me, planting his hands on the bed and leaning into my face.
“WELL I BELONG TO YOU!” The veins in his neck bulged as he shouted, and I met his glare, refusing to even flinch. He looked at my lips, panting. “I belong to you.”

I loved Travis' character. He was flawed, oh so flawed, but his heart was in the right place. I love a guy who is sure of who he loves, not afraid to defend them, and will try as hard as he can to prove himself.

This book is fast paced and action packed. There are no slow or dull points. (No Joke) The writing is smooth and sucks you right into the story - puts you right there with the characters. It is heart racing and heart breaking.

“-It’s over. Go home.
-You’re my home.”

I loved watching the journey that the characters went through - watching Travis change and become a better person, watching Abby come to terms with her past and watching the two of them fall head over heals in love.

I'm unfortunately writing this review months after I originally read the book but all I know is that this book is sitting on my favs shelf and will definitely be re-read at some point.

I'd definitely call this a MUST read for any fan of badboy romances.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Up Dates Coming Soon!!!!!

I'm sorry i haven't been on in a long time. I feel like i never have time to do anything now. And that includes reading :\

So give me a few days and I'll get some book reviews, updates, and so on in. :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Arcana Chronicles

There's a book i wanna do a review on but i know it would take me a month just to make the review! It's such an amazing book i would have to right another book just for the review!!! It's sooo good!! And i can't wait to read Endless night (book 2)

But anyways this is the book!!  Isn't the cover BEAUTIFUL!! :O <3<3

Ok well i can't be on long I gotta get ready for work..

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The 5th Wave Book Review

The 5th Wave Book Review
by Rick Yancey

Goodreads Review

The Passage meets Ender’s Game in an epic new series from award-winning author Rick Yancey.

 After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.

Now, it’s the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth’s last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie’s only hope for rescuing her brother—or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up.

My Thoughts

Aliens are coming and everyone knows it. They've been hanging out in orbit for a week or so now, observing Earth. Waiting. Watching. And they like what they see. They like it a lot. Except here's the thing: they don't really do sharing, so nothing against us humanoids, but we've gotta go.

Earth's eviction notice comes in five waves:

Wave #1: Say buh-bye to electricity.
Wave #2: Hope you live above sea-level.
Wave #3: You thought lil' ol' bird-flu was scary? That's cute.
Wave #4: Shhh...what you can't see might kill you.

By the fourth wave, 95% of the human population is dead and those who remain aren't even sure who the real enemy is--or what they look like. The fifth wave is coming, battle lines have been drawn and Earth's greatest weapon is up for grabs: humanity itself.

The 5th Wave is a taut, psychological sci-fi thriller that is destined to be a huge hit and deservedly so. The suspense is well-crafted and the characters' voices, particularly Cassie's, feel alive and three dimensional.

Cassie, a "normal" teenager who suddenly might actually be the last human on Earth, is my favorite. She is isolated and on the run but desperately driven by the chance of reuniting with her younger brother--at much physical, psychological and emotional pain to herself. I loved reading about her struggle to stay pragmatic in the face of paranoia and her moral balancing act with the ever evolving rules of survival in the post-invasion world.

I wasn't as engaged with Zombie's POV but I rather enjoyed the character when he was depicted by others. The strength of his character voice wasn't as dominant as Cassie's and while that made sense with his character's story line, Zombie's guilt (and other extenuating circumstances) gave his voice a muted quality in comparison. I enjoyed the psychological suspense the most (I couldn't help but also wonder what it'd be like with a dual female protagonist POV pair of Cassie and Ringer as well...) There are several other intriguing smaller POVs that have room to grow in future installments of the series and one in particular I would have SO much to talk about if not for pesky spoilers.

The POVs expertly enrich the depth and scope of the invasion and the story is such that even though you'll figure some twists out before the characters, it does nothing to diminish the suspense or emotional rewards. Sure there are some questions that surface when you think too much about certain plot points (the age demographic of the squads for one), but the overall result is so entertaining and well-written that the questions are easy to brush aside. The more the different POVs come together, the stronger the story grows with surprisingly moving results.

I love backing characters into corners to see what they are capable of--and an alien invasion has a lot of corners. Let's face it. Humanity is freaking weird and that will always be our secret weapon. How strong we can be with our weaknesses. How unpredictable we are in our predictability. Humanity has a fluidity than cannot be fully foreseen or contained. You can back humans into a corner and you're never quite sure what you're going to get. The results can at turns disgust or delight, but something will always prevail.

Whether that is to the benefit of Earth's surviving humans or the new invaders, is yet to be seen. But I'll definitely be reading to find out! 


*Ok I had to take a star off just because it took me awhile to get into the book i really didn't like it at first. Not until Nathan found Cassie and started taking care of her. I also took off the star just because I wanted to see Cassie and Ben together! NOT Zombie and Ringer and Cassie and Ethan!! Cassie and Zombie! And i didn't like that Sam grew up. He's only 5 and he starts acting like he's 20 and ready to take on aliens! Come on!!! I want the little Sammy back he one who needed his sister to protect him and had to have his bear every night to go to sleep :( *

This has no title...well now it does..

Well guys i got the job... which means less free time....which means less of me spending time on Goodreads, my blogs, and my Instagram FG page :(
Don't get me wrong im not only glad but excited i got the job. It's just i know what getting a job means ON TOP of school, church, and the band I play in. No more time to do the things i love. I'm going to be busy now!! :\
The good thing is she's letting me choose my hours. I can work as much as i want or as little. I can work the 11:00 shift or the 5:00 shift OR i can do a split! I start tomorrow!!

I think I finally got the "Apply to Blog" button to work again! Now I'm doing more changes to the account! And like i promised The 5th Wave book review WILL be coming out hopefully today before I head back to church.

I started a new book last night It's called Across the Universe by Beth Revis and I like it so far it has great potential! And I'm finishing up the Throwback Thursday book! (Treasure Island) And I'm actually starting to like it a little :)

Anyways welcome new members!! And thanks for following!! :D

Friday, October 11, 2013

I got an job interview!!

Ok well i applied to a job (up the road from my house) a few days ago and i just got a call from them. I have an Interview today at 1:30!!! AHHHH I'm soo excited!! Ok i just wanted to tell y'all!! woot woot!!
Now i gotta go take a shower and start getting ready!!

The 5th Wave Book review is going to haft to wait till probably tonight because i haven't even started on my schoolwork for today :\

Blogger not saving my changes!! :(

Ok so apparently I'm not the only one who is having problems with it, but im trying to add a template to the blog and change the colors and all that. But the "Apply to Blog" button in the "Template Designer" IS NOT WORKING!! >:( It's click-able but not with actually save the changes. So now im stuck with NO template background!! And my blog looks like POO! I really hope they fix this like ASAP!! :(

In the meantime please overlook my background. Thank You :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just finished The 5th Wave!!!

Asdfghjk;!!!!! Oh mi gosh!!!! I NEED PART TWO NOW!!! That last chapter!!! Wow!!! And Ethan and Ben and Sams!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! I can't even....comprehend....crazy awesomeness of a book this is!!

Ok I'll put up a review tomorrow!!

Throwback Thursday!!

Okay so I'm starting something new today!! YAY!! I know, I know I'm excited too!!! But since I'll be going to college soon and there's several classic books i need to read before that day i thought i might as well incorporate it into my blog.

Now i know several people will not care to even see this just because some classic books are...well... just BORING! I know some are but i think there are a few really good ones out there and intend to find and read them!

Now since I have already started reading a classic book and even though i do not like it that much I'm still posting it today just to get the ball rolling! :D

 Ok so here is the book I'm reading for college!! And here is the Goodreads page for it ------> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/295.Treasure_Island?ac=1

And so far it's boring....BUT I hear good things about it ALL the time so i hope as i get further into the story it will pick up and get interesting!

What made me want to read this book was the kid movie Treasure Planet. I LOVED that movie as a child and since the movie was based on the book i thought since i gotta start somewhere ill start somewhere I'm a little familiar. :)

I'm only 17% through the book right now and I've had it a long time :\ I know i need to get on the ball but i just keep finding REALLY good books!! But I'm going to really try and finish it within a few weeks!

I might not post another Throwback Thursday till i finish this one and start on another but in the mean time i wanna know what your favorite classic is or what classic book you would recommend for me to read??

Comment down below!! :D

The 5th Wave discussion


I am 7 chapters away from finishing this book!!
It took awhile for me to really get into this book  but once i did i hate having to put it down to go to bed every night!!

Every character is so unique and loveable!! Well except for Ringer for some reason i don't like her and i find Ethan creepy :\  But everyone else i can relate to in one way or another!

It really didn't pick up for me until Ethan found Cassie and started taking care of her. Up until then the book wasn't pleasing to me and it's taken me along time to finish this book (Well long to me)

Ok now i gotta give bonus points to this book for ONE THING!! Mentioning tampons in a dystopian! What's next--actually acknowledging body hair when all the razors are gone? HAHA! 

OK! I don't wanna say to much just because i'll be saying ALOT for the book review which will probably be tomorrow. Since I'll be finishing the book TONIGHT! :D

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pictures! :)

Cascade Book Review

Cascade Book Review
By Lisa T. Bergren
  (The River of Time #2)
  Read from July 11 to 21, 2013 

                                       Goodreads Summary

Mom touched my underdress—a gown made six hundred years before—and her eyes widened as she rubbed the raw silk between thumb and forefinger. She turned and touched Lia’s gown. “Where did you get these clothes?”
Gabi knows she’s left her heart in the fourteenth century and she persuades Lia to help her to return, even though they know doing so will risk their very lives. When they arrive, weeks have passed and all of Siena longs to celebrate the heroines who turned the tide in the battle against Florence—while the Florentines will go to great lengths to see them dead.
But Marcello patiently awaits, and Gabi must decide if she’s willing to leave her family behind for good in order to give her heart to him forever.

 My Thoughts
I wanna marry this book. This whole series. It's like Lisa took everything I want out of a book and put it all together to make the best series EVER! Even if you don't like historical fiction or time travel, this series is so much more than that. The River of Time defies simple categorization and gives readers something they so rarely get.

But this is a second book in a series (Waterfall: A Novel (River of Time Series) is the first book), so you probably have some questions. Second books always sort of scare me, especially when I loved the first book like I did with this series. Will the sequel measure up? Will it spoil the happy feelings the first book left me with? Reading shouldn't be so dangerous, but when you're as emotionally invested in a series as I am with The River of Time, then the idea of opening up the sequel can be scary!

I'm going to try to answer the questions I had when I started reading. I'm going to try to avoid any spoilers for both Cascade and Waterfall, but some things can't be avoided (like if I mention a character appearing in Cascade, then you kinda know they didn't die in Waterfall...) So if you haven't read Waterfall yet (WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!), then you might not want to read this review.

~Do the characters I love show up?~

Oh yeah! Of course Gabi, Marcello, and Luca have plenty of page time, but Lia is also elevated to MC status (and she is totally awesome!). Romana and Fortino make a small appearance, but they're not really present much. I know, I was bummed about the lack of Fortino, too. You know who does show up and totally surprised me? Paratore. I thought we had seen the last of him, but that jerk is back for more...and I love it!

We're also introduced to two more characters who were totally awesome additions: Momma She-Wolf and Lord Greco. Momma She-Wolf is Gabi and Lia's mother who travels back in time with them. She is kick butt! I love that Lisa included their mother. Parents are so often ignored in YA, but when you're torn between living in the 14th century or going back home without the love of your life, well, that's kind of a decision you'd want to talk over with your mom, right?

Lord Greco is such a great character. I love hating him and I can't help admiring him (and finding him attractive. Yeah, there's another hot guy). Is he bad? I'm not sure. I can't tell if he's good or if I'm just trying really hard to make him good because I like him so much. I'm not even sure if I want him to be good or bad. He's such a great villain, but he is totally swoon-worthy so, you know, having him be a villain might complicate things.

~Will I be happy with the romance?~

Middle books usually suck when it comes to romance. You have all the happy "Yay the couple got together!!" coming off the end of the first book, but usually authors try to complicate things in the sequel. Love triangles, misunderstandings, anything to make the honeymoon end.

BUT NOT LISA! I just want to give her a huge hug for not putting me through that agony. Gabi and Marcello are just as awesome together in Cascade as they were in Waterfall. Not only that, but Lisa also totally avoids the annoying "Gazing into each others eyes for pages" thing that also usually happens when couples have been together for too long in books. You know how it can get boring seeing a couple just be together? Not here. Their relationship is growing and it's tender and sweet, but also realistic and still totally clean. Marcello is a 14th century guy, and while that provides a lot of perks, he also has a very different approach to relationships than we have today (like marriage age, divorce, etc).

I loved the scenes where Gabi and Marcello hashed out these differences. The fact that Gabi is actually considering these differences and how profoundly her life will change is so refreshing. YA girls are so quick to throw away everything in their life for their paranormal insta-love guy. This gets old and I can't help but lose a little respect for those girls. Gabi acknowledges how much she loves Marcello, but she also carefully considers all of the ramifications to both herself and her family if she chooses to stay with him in the 14th century.

And Lia and Luca? *Squeeeel* SO adorable!

~How's the action? Is it as good as it was in Waterfall?~

It's better! Waterfall was a battle. Cascade begins a WAR. The stakes are super high and, honestly, I never knew what was going to happen next. There's secret passageways, espionage, heart-pounding escapes, double crossing, and plague! The political intrigue is so intense I had my eyes glued to the pages and was left gasping in surprise. I couldn't believe some of the things the characters did! Let me tell you, the 14th century is filled with JERKS. Conniving, horrible, ruthless jerks.

My poor, wonderful characters go through so much in this book. I was worried about all of them, and with good reason! We're lulled into a false sense of security with some cute and benign scenes in the beginning, but before long bad things start happening and we don't have a moment's rest. The action kicks into high gear and stays that way throughout the rest of the book. Once you hit that spot you won't be able to put the book down. I'm talking taking a sick day at work because you don't want to stop reading kind of feeling.

~How are the Christian fiction aspects?~

If you like Christian fiction, then I think you'll be happy with the progression of Gabi's dawning faith. If Christian fiction isn't your thing, then I don't think you'll be bothered at all. The presence of Christian elements is very subtle in both Waterfall and Cascade. While Gabi slowly comes around to embracing the idea of God and God's plan, the story stands just fine on its own without these elements.

What I mean is, you know how sometimes in Christian fiction the entire premise is based on religion. It's a major plot point and the book doesn't work if it were removed. That's not the case here. Gabi is a strong character and able to do what she does because she's a strong, capable girl.


Divergent Book Review

Divergent Book Review
 By Veronica Roth

Read in May, 2013

                                                      Goodreads Summary 

In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue--Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is--she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are--and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, Tris also learns that her secret might help her save the ones she loves . . . or it might destroy her

My Thoughts

When I finished 'Divergent' I sat thinking about it and feeling a lot like I did when I finished 'The Hunger Games'. It was a similar reading experience...a fast-paced story in an other world situation with a strong female character. The story transported me and I had a hard time pulling myself out of the book in order to continue with my every day things. In fact, when I closed the book after finishing it, I was struck by the desire to start over from the beginning because I didn't want the experience to stop. It was THAT good.

(I'm not giving a plot overview...many others have already done that)

The world Trice lives in is fascinating. I was gripped at first learning about the society and the factions and I found myself enjoying the story more and more as she chose a faction and went through the initiation process. In fact, I think the initiation (which takes up most of the book) was my favorite part.

The ending contains a twist I didn't expect. I thought the story, despite little hints of the Erudite mystery, would end with whether or not Trice would be accepted into her faction. It doesn't. It suddenly takes an unexpected, over-reaching twist that changes the entire landscape of the story. It goes from a story set mainly in one faction to one that deals with the beginning of a societal fray. It was unexpected, but enjoyable. It was something the author had built up to, but in a subtle way. I also liked that while this is going to be a series, the book ends without a cliffhanger. I hate cliffhanger endings that leave you wondering for months. While there are many things left to discover in this world, you do get an ending with this book.

The characters are believable, lovable and, at times, scary. I love the evolution of Four ) and Christina. Actually, I really just love Four.

The story is written in first person from Trice's perspective. She's a good narrator, though first-person does make the action/fight sequences a little clunky. 'Divergent' also has plenty of action, humor, mystery and a little bit of romance.

And i can't wait for book 3 and the movie!! :D
The worst part about this book is that the Allegiant (The 3rd book) isn't out yet! (12 Days To Go!!!)

 If you enjoyed The Hunger Games, I recommend this for you. I also recommend it to anyone who loves a good story.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Obsidian Book Review

By Jennifer L. Armentrout
(The Lux Series)  

Goodreads Review 
 Starting over sucks.

When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.

And then he opened his mouth.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.

The hot alien living next door marks me.

You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.

If I don't kill him first, that is.

My Thoughts
Three words ... MY. NEW. FAVORITE!!!

I was hoked the VERY FIRST chapter!! AMAZING!! This book is absolutely awesome. Armentrout developed an amazing character in Katy. She's this spunky and (extremely) sassy teenager who holds nothing back when it comes to the leading male, Daemon, (who happens to be my new favorite male character). Daemon is mouthy and bossy and full of himself and apparently, drop dead gorgeous. The rapport between these two main characters is like watching someone throw gasoline on a fire -you know it will be cool to look at and fun to be around but it's so hot that you don't want to go near it.

Anyhow. Armentrout pulls you in from the very first page. Her style of writing is so .... laid back (?!?) ... I can't think of another word for it ... you just feel like it's happening around you. She doesn't add any extra descriptions that you don't really need. Everything she writes is pertinent to the story and can't be cut out ... no filler (yay)!!

Great book ... I recommend it to anyone who wants a fun summer read. This is definite "by-the-pool" reading. I can't wait to read it again.

Pick it up. Read it. You won't be disappointed!